About Sr. Officer Wells
B.S. Criminal Justice
M.S. Criminal Justice Public Admin
PhD Candidate in Criminal Justice
My name is Senior Officer. Xavier Wells. Since leaving the US Navy, I have served as a police officer since 2016, and have been providing training material and resources to those looking to enter the field of law enforcement. During my time as a police officer, I have had the pleasure to hone my teaching craft as an Adjunct Academy Instructor, Police Explorer Instructor, and TCOLE Instructor. I was also awarded the Superior Defensive Tactics Award out of my graduating class. I take education, and educating others seriously, and I have put a lot of time and research into providing the best possible tools to help you succeed. If your goal is to become an officer then you are in the right place!
Check down below to see what other officers and applicants like yourself are saying about our training materials and resources. Reach out to me on social media if you have any questions!
The police hiring process can be long and frustrating on your own. Many people don't make it through on their first try.
This training resource is designed to help you excel and succeed during your police application process.
The information listed in this book is from personal, first hand experience and is designed to see you succeed your first time around.

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